Team 3: 28.6.19
Date: 28th Jun 2019 @ 6:14pm
We have been working extremely hard in the hot sunshine this week! We have been working on our end of year assessments which we have tried extremely hard on.
We have continued our work on shape and have learned about horizontal, vertical, parallel and perpendicular lines. In science, we have learned all about skeletons including endoskeletons, exoskeletons and hydrostatic skeletons. We looked at some of the bones in a human skeleton and learned some of their scientific names like cranium.
In PE, we have been honing our batting and fielding skills with different team games and in french we have been recapping the numbers 0-31. We have also been drawing oblique aerial views of the River Weaver and Anderton boat lift to combine our geography skills with some lovely artwork.
Have a lovely weekend and enjoy the sunshine!
Miss Delaney