Team 3: 29.11.19
Date: 30th Nov 2019 @ 10:36am
This week in English, we have been working very hard on how to use inverted commas to punctuate speech and how to use adverbs of time. We have learned more about the characters in our story Winter's Child and started to learn what makes it a fantasy story.
In Maths we have continued to work on column method for addition and have begun to work on column subtraction for 3 digit numbers.
In gymnastics, we built on last week's work to put our individual routines onto apparatus including a start and end position, balances and different types of travel movements.We have had lots of fun again opening parcels from across Europe and we also learned about Paris, researching the main landmarks of the capital city. In art, we have begun to put together our front covers for our Christmas books by creating printing blocks.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!