Team 3: 3.5.19
Date: 3rd May 2019 @ 3:08pm
You wouldn't believe it! This week a dragon has visited our school! We went out to search the playground for clues because the dragon left a giant burning footprint on the playground. We then wrote emails to Miss Stacey Scales, chief dragonologist at our council, to get more information about the dragon. We made sure to use different tenses and edit our own work. We have also been learning about komodo dragons- did you know they're actually huge lizards? They're the biggest reptile in the world!
In Maths, we have continued our work on measurement by adding and subtracting different lengths.
As part of our light project in Science, we have made our very own torches in DT this week! We had to build the circuit, paint the tube and bring all the parts together, checking that the components worked before we glued them in place. We have now moved onto learning about plants and on Thursday found out the functions of different parts of the plant. On Friday, we set up an experiment to see what a plant needs to grow and be healthy which we will return to in the coming weeks.
Have a great bank holiday weekend,
Miss Delaney