Team 3: 7.9.18
Date: 7th Sep 2018 @ 8:45pm
What a week it has been in Team 3! We are only three days back into term and the children have already produced some brilliant writing about their holidays for our time capsule, which we will bury next week and dig up at the end of the year so that we can see just how much we have improved!
We also became archaeologists on Thursday afternoon, working in teams to carefully dig through samples of earth. We had to decipher whether the objects we found were made by nature or humans and predict what they might have been used for based on their shape, colour and texture- a stone age hand tool, stone age arrow heads and an iron age mirror were all among our discoveries!
It has been an absolute pleasure starting to get to know everyone in Team 3 this week and I’m really looking forward to hearing all the wonderful persuasive speeches from our school council candidates on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Delaney