Team 3 wb 10.5.21
Date: 14th May 2021 @ 5:13pm
What another busy week we have had in Team 3!
In our English learning this week, we concluded exploring the story Winter’s Child and began planning to write our very own version of this story. We created our very own characters to include in our stoiesy and we also read other texts so that we could magpie ideas to include in our own stories. In our SPaG work, we learnt how to spell words that are not spelt how they sound. You can practise these words at home. They are:
In maths this week, we recapped our learning from Team 2 about fractions. We revisited finding quarters and halves of different shapes, numbers and objects and worked on solving a range of fluency questions as well as complex word problems. To support your child’s learning in school, you can practise quarters and halves with your child/children at home.
In our afternoon learning, we learnt how to play cricket in PE, how to scan texts for specific information in reading and also about the life and work of Steve Irwin the conservationist.
Have a great weekend Team 3!
Mr Lawrie