Team 4 Wb 10.7.23
Date: 15th Jul 2023 @ 10:02pm
We have had another busy week in Team 4!
In our English learning, the children researched information and collected ideas in preparation to create their very own non-chronological reports about sloths. After they had completed their research, the children then wrote their own reports and produced some wonderful pieces of writing. On Friday, the children then proof read their work and edited any corrections ready to publish them next week for Mrs Hughes.
In maths, the children completed their end of unit assessments to conclude their learning about money and started the next unit all about length. The class learnt how to convert between m and cm and used their prior learning about decimals to help them.
In afternoon learning, the class learnt about conductors and how electricity can pass through different materials with different amounts of ease. We also learnt about humanism in RE and its similarities and differences to other religions.
Have a wonderful weekend Team 4!