Team 3 wb 11.10.21
Date: 15th Oct 2021 @ 6:23pm
Team 3 have been extremely busy this week!
In Maths, they have been studying number lines and looking at adding and subtracting 10 to a range of numbers. Some children were able to explain how they had solved a problem to the rest of the class. We were very impressed by this.
In English, the children have been engrossed in the Apollo 13 mission and they have been busy writing about it. They thoroughly enjoyed writing the start of their newspaper report today with a focus on expanded noun phrases, conjunctions and tricky words.
In Science, the children explained the results from the experiment that they carried out last week. They discussed whether they thought if you had a longer femur, would you jump further.
During our Geography lesson, they have been learning about coastal erosion and why it happens.
They have been very excited by our continued team building games in PE. This week they enjoyed participating in quiz orienteering.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
From Team 3.