Team 3 wb 1.11.21

Date: 6th Nov 2021 @ 2:27pm

Welcome to Team 3's class blog.  It has been another very exciting and busy week again.

In Maths, we have been looking at our new topic of addition and subtraction using mental strategies to find answers to questions quickly and easily.  The children have worked very hard on this to improve these skills.

In English, we have been looking at our new book, 'The Seal Surfer' by Michael Foreman.  We have been making predictions about what we think they book will be about and have written our own stories using expanded noun phrases, questions, contractions and conjunctions.

In Science, we discussed if we could trap woodland animals ethically and what that would mean.  The children worked very enthusiastically in their pairs to plan their traps.

In RE, we discussed what disciples in Christianity means and acted out a scene as a whole class.  We were very impressed by the acting skills in our class.

We hope you have a lovely weekend.


Miss Delaney and Mrs Adamson