Team 3 - wb 13.09.21

Date: 17th Sep 2021 @ 7:26pm

Team 3 have had a fantastic full week back at school.  

In English, we started to predict what our new book would be, by studying clues closely and explaining our reasons for those predictions.  They were very excited by the space theme.  We will be starting our new book next week which is 'Counting on Katherine' by Helaine Becker.

Our class have thoroughly enjoyed representing numbers to 1000 in different ways, especially practically using dienes and counters.  We have some fantastic mathematicians in team 3.

We have countinued on with our topic of animals including humans in science this week.  We looked at what nutrition our bodies need to stay healthy and they enjoyed planning their own healthy meal.

The highlight for this week was our Hindu day and our Holi run.  The children learnt all about Holi, Hindu weddings and how they are both celebrated.  The children designed and then painted their Mehndi patterns onto their hands.  The children were fasciinated when Mrs Adamson attempted a design on her hand using henna.  There is room for improvement for Mrs Adamson there!  After all this, we finished with our Holi run around the daily mile.  What a wonderful way to finish our week! Thank-you for everyone's support!  


Everyone in Team 3