Team 3 Wb 13.3.23
Date: 17th Mar 2023 @ 9:19am
Team 3 have been enjoying science week this week!
Our question was: Where does our rubbish go? T3 have been learning which materials can be reused, reduced and recycled. m
In maths this week, Team 3 have been exploring different units of measure including g and kg. They looked at converting different measurements to find out which is the heaviest and the lightest. There were some fabulous descriptive journals! Well done to Edward, Eva and Beth for being our first star journals!
In D&T the children finished the topic of fish. They made tuna crunches using bread, tuna, mayo and spring onion.
In Geography T3 have been looking at identifying continents, the equator, the northern and southern hemispheres. The children have been researchers and enjoyed making a booklet of facts and images for each continent using laptops, atlases and fact sheets.
We are looking forward to seeing you in our class assembly on Wednesday!
Take care, Team 3.