Team 3 wb 14.6.21
Date: 20th Jun 2021 @ 2:24pm
Team 3 have had a fantastic week of learning this week!
In our maths, we continued exploring fractions learning how to identify equivalency. We explored how we can use the denominator and the numerator to help us identify patterns of equivalent fractions and then completed our own trial and error research to see how many different equivalent fractions we could find.
In our English learning we have been exploring how to use subordination to develop ideas in our writing. We focussed on the subordinates then, what and if. We practised using these subordinates in a range of different contexts. In our spelling lessons, we have been practising our orange words (words that are tricky to spell). You can support your child at home by practising the following words at home:
In our afternoon lessons, we have continued learning about the terracotta army and used natural materials from the wildlife garden to help us practise making a range of prints on clay. We also continued with our daily handwriting lessons focussing on a range of joins including the washing line join and also in our DEAR time we read a range of books from new authors such as Tom Fletcher and Enid Blyton.
Have a fantastic weekend Team 3!
Mr Lawrie