Team 3 WB 16.9.24

Date: 20th Sep 2024 @ 2:31pm

What a fantastic week in Team 3! 

In maths we have been exploring place value, understanding numbers that are more and less, sequences and counding in fifties. We ended the week by completing a review to consolidate our jounal. In the next coming weeks we will be exploring fact families by using manipulatives to aid our understanding. Lots of us have been successful in progressing within our timetable understanding and challenge on a Friday afternoon! Well done team! 

During our English lessons we have been applying some of our prior knowledge to our writing such as contractions and suffix endings. Miss Morris has been on the look out for capital letter for names and after punctuation. We got in role as Humpty to discuss his thoughts when going up the ladder. Using verbs and adverbs we then constructed fabulous sentences to show a conversation. 

In science we continues our investigation based on magnets. After recapping how magnets retract and repel, we explored what materials were magnetic by finding and testing classroom items. 



Have a lovely weekend everyone :)