Team 3 wb 17.5.21

Date: 21st May 2021 @ 8:59pm

What another busy week we have had in Team 3!

In our English learning, we spent the week writing our very own stories based upon our class text Winter's Child. The children created some wonderful pieces of writing with some incredible ideas in! I was so proud reading their stories so far. They had included dialogue for speech between characters, similes for description, our SPaG skills that we have been learning throughout the unit as well as including their own twists to their stories. I can't wait for the children to finish them on Monday. Well done Team 3!

In maths, we have continued looking at fractions. We learnt about quarters, thirds and also how to identify and read fractions using numbers, shapes and also everyday objects. We had a big focus this week on problem solving and learning how to identify key information in a problem and then answer a range of questions linked to fractions. We looked at one-step, two-step and multi-approach problems and worked on tackling them in a systematic and methodical way.

In our afternoon sessions, we continued working on our handwriting, learnt a range of cricket skills in PE with our local FAVSP lead and also continued developing our SPaG skills. Our spelling focus this week was words ending in -ous. You can support your child's learning at home this week by practising the words below that end in this spelling. These words are:

  • dangerous
  • fabulous
  • enormous
  • famous
  • mountainous
  • adventurous


Next week we have an end of week surprise linked to our topic learning about the Stone Age. We will be making our very own fires and then cooking something on them to eat :)

Have a great weekend Team 3!

Mr Lawrie