Team 3 WB 18.9.23
Date: 20th Sep 2023 @ 6:51pm
Team 3 have really settled into our new routines!
In maths we are now moving onto our new chapter which will focus on addition and subtraction. Children will be learning different methods of addition using hands on resources.
Please can you ensure your child is practicing their times tables as this will aid their understanding across mathematics in Team 3. TT rockstars is a great way to do this!
In English we have been applying our ohonetic knowledge and year 2 skills brilliantly. We have been applying contractions and different suffixes to show how the route word changes its meaning.
In art we have explored our topic of sea creatures- this will link nicely with our next english text.
In French we looked at famous monuments in Paris. The childrens knowledge was brilliant! The children drew their own version of the monuments, labelled them and even encorporated a fact about one using research.
Please ensure your child is aiming to read every night.
Thank you for your continued support!
Miss Morris.