Team 3 WB 20.5.24

Date: 23rd May 2024 @ 3:04pm

Team 3 have had a fantastic final week of half term despite the rain. 

In English, we completed our final write and created a leaflet informing and persuading our audience to protect and save our river of choice. Using a modelled write, we used subheadings to organise our writing and made sure to incorporate prepositions, adverbs and differentiated between the use of 'a' or 'an'. Who knows what our next text will be...

In Maths we have been focusing on equivalent fractions this week and used paper strips to visually see and identify which fractions are equivalent to a half. As we return back to school after half term, we will have a recap of our learning and then explore fractions further. 

During PE this week we finished our throwing and jumping unit. To consolidate our learning we reflected on our vocabulary and tactics for throwing with accuracy or diatsnce. This then led us to partner work in which we practised our skills and created our own games and competitions to help us apply our learning further. 

 Georgraphy/Science learning was fieldwork this week! We used our findings from our recent trip to Alynn Waters and applied it to our school settng. Using a OS map of the school we located different sites and used a quadrat to identify the plants within that section. To present our data we used a bar chart. 

Have a lovely half term!