Team 3 WB 23.11.23
Date: 22nd Nov 2023 @ 6:31pm
It is starting to get christmassy in Team 3!
We created our final piece in Design and Technology which was our christmas decorations that we previously planned. We discussed the use of the pin, stuffing and stitch. We can't wait to give these out to you all!
In English this week we have been delving deeper into our text 'winters child'. Focusing on similies and prepositions, we were able to create fantastic setting descriptions.
Our PE lessons on cricket continued in which we learnt how to bat. We focused on our posture and using 2 hands to hit the ball. It will be our last lesson on this and then we will be refelcting on what we have learnt.
Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our open afternoon.
Miss Morris :)