Team 3 Wb 29.3.21
Date: 2nd Apr 2021 @ 8:04am
What a fantastic end to the spring term!
Team 3 have been working incredibly hard this week. In our maths we focussed on learning how to read, interpret and answer a range of one-step and two-step word problems. We explored language within word problems that would help us to identify what operation was required (+ - x or /). We also consolidated our learning about multiplication and division and used TT Rockstars to help us develop the speed at which we can recall these facts.
In English, we continued exploring our class text 'Winter's Child'. We learnt how to use the subordination 'that' and 'when' in sentences and explored the key features of clauses.
In our afternoon learning, we completed our third PE lesson with Chester FC. This week we applied our learning about ball control and turning on the ball in a game scenario with the children split up into small teams playing against one another. We also created easter nest cakes in our Mouse Mania as well.
Have a fantastic and well-deserved break Team 3!
Mr Lawrie