Team 3 Wb 29.11.21
Date: 5th Dec 2021 @ 10:29pm
Welcome to Team 3's blog.
It has been another busy week in Year 3.
In Maths, we have been continuing on with our place value work, including counting on in 50s and finding 10 more or less than a number. There have been some tricky problems that the children have been solving. Well done!
In English, we have been working hard on using the progressive tense and conjunctions in our writing about Katherine. The children thoroughly enjoyed writing a diary entry from her father's point of view.
During our Science lesson, the children investigated where they thought our bones were located in our bodies. We then discovered where they are and what the different bones are called. After that, in groups we built our own skeletons ensuring they were connected in the correct places. Great teamwork enabled this to be a very successful lesson. Well done Team 3!
We have continued to work on teamwork games in PE and starting to develop our leadership skills.
We hope you have a lovely weekend.
From everyone in Team 3.