Team 3 WB 7.11.22
Date: 11th Nov 2022 @ 4:18pm
Good afternoon,
We had a lovely start to the week with a visit to our local library. The children really enjoyed their trip and it was lovely to see their enthusiasm about the visits and the books that we selected. They behaved impeccably and it was real pleasure to spend time outside of the classroom with them.
On Wednesday, some of Team 3 attended a Multi-Skills event at Frodsham Leisure Centre. They tried their hardest in each event and returned to school with an impressive amount of stickers. Well done to those children who participated. We have more sporting events coming up and will always try to vary the children who attend. The children who remained at school enjoyed a computing lesson where they used Lego WeDo software. They followed an algorithm to build various models and then paired these with their ipads so that they moved. The classroom was buzzing with excitement and I must admit, they were better at it than me! Photos have been uploaded to Twitter.
This week, the children have been buying poppies and other merchandise from the Team 6 sellers. Many children have shown acts of kindness with their friends by sharing their purchases. What kind and thoughtful children you have. We all gathered together today on the playground for a minutes silence at 11am.
Please continue to access TT Rockstars at home so that your child becomes more fluent with times tables knowledge. This will really help them in their weekly test.
Have a wonderful weekend.
Team 3