Team 3 WB 9.12.24
Date: 12th Dec 2024 @ 5:28pm
It is getting extremely festive in Team 3!
We have fully immersed ourselves into christmas by transforming ourselves into elves. We have been very busy making lots of different decorations to sell at our upcoming Christmas markets.
In English we have come to the end of our termly unit. This week we have been focusing on our final write, trying our best to incorporate all of our mastery skills. When finished, we completed some peer assessment to edit our work to make it even better!
In French we did a whole term recap of numbers to 20, colours and greetings. After that, we explored similarities and differences between christmas in France and the UK. We found out that they have a Christmas tree, advent calendars and Pére Nöel (Father Christmas)!
In maths we have been exploring multiplication with 2 digit numbers! We found that multiplying was a quicker method opposed to addition. Journaling our methods helped us during our independent practice.
A reminder to log on to TTrockstars and continue to read daily.
Our Christmas markets will take place on Tuesday (17th) from 2:30-3:30. We can't wait to see you there :)