Team 3 Wb 9.3.23
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 9:19am
Another great week in Team 3!
In Maths, we have been wizzing through our new topic of length. The children have enjoyed using diferent tools of measurement including trundle wheels, tape measures and rulers. We have focused on converting different units of measure and began to answer different word problems.
In English, we posted our letters to Chester Zoo and are very hopeful for a reply. After exploring the difference between commans, questions, statements and exclamation sentences, the children were able to create their own powerful poems about the big blue whale. The children then spent time editing our work and very much enjoyed colour coding our pieces to show a command and a similie.
In Science, T3 have been learning about having a healthy diet. The children had fantastic ideas about what we need in our bodies to be healthy, supported by the 'Eat Well Guide'. After that, the focus was on the nutritional vale of processed food.
Its fair to say the children thoroughly enjoyed their music lesson this week. We used a video from swicks classroom music to explore rhythm and keeping a beat. Each child had a boomwhacker and were assigned a colour. When the colour dropped down to the bottom for a beat, the children had to hit their boomwhacker at the same time. It was a challenge as the children had to ensure they were listening to eachother as well as being in time with the music. This led to a discussion about how many beats are normally in a bar and enabled the children to compose their own pieces of music in groups.
Have a lovely weekend :)
Team 3.