Team 3 wc 02/05/17
Date: 7th May 2017 @ 8:07pm
This week in Team 3...
In English we have started our new unit on tradition tales. The children have been imitating our class text 'The Three Billy Goats Gruff' as well as using drama to develop their understanding of the characters. They have been learning how see the story from another characters point of view and coming up with some lovely phrases and sentences to add to this.
In our maths learning this week we have started to look at shape. In particular we have focused on the different types of lines found in shape (parallel and perpendicular). We had a lovely lesson on Friday when the children went outside in the sunshine and were set the task of finding these lines in objects and structures around school.
During our afternoon learning we have continued our music lessons on Chiranga, developed our hand, eye coordination playing tennis in PE and continued our learning on map reading in geography.
That is all for this week. Enjoy this beautiful weather we are having.
Mr Garnett