Team 3 wc 16/1/17
Date: 19th Jan 2017 @ 4:35pm
This week in Team 3...
English - Our superstar learners are at the Imitation stage of our English work so we have been learning our class story map off by heart, Using Talk 4 Writing we come up with actions to follow a picture story map and rehearse the story until it is embedded. In addition we have been developing character profiles for our two main characters, using high level language.
Maths - In Maths we our continuing to understand links between multiplication and division and answering questions about these calculations through fluency, reasoning and problem solving.
Topic - During our afternoon learning we are having fun going back in time to learn about Ancient Egypt, This wee the children have been learning about the importance of the River Nile to their way of life and also comparing and contrasting life back then to our lives now. The children are really engaged with the topic and we look forward to our visit to the Egyptian Exhibit at the Manchester Musuem next month.
Thats all of this week
Mr Garnett