Team 3 wc 08/11/16
Date: 11th Nov 2016 @ 4:27pm
This week in Team 3...
In our English lessons this week we have been studying Humerous Poetry. The children have been learning to recite particular poems, then performing them to the class as well as writing additional verses, focusing on the features and structure.
In Maths we have been learning to use the formal written method of coloum addition to solve tricky addition questions and word problems. The children seem to really like this method and like solving problems using this new skill.
In our afternoon learning we have continued our work on the Stone Age. We studied the ancient Neolithic site of Skara Brae in the Orkney Islands which the children found very interesting. Several requests for a school trip were put forward to visit the site but sadly I had to disappoint a few future archeologists having explained the distance up to the top of Scotland.
PSHE and RE lessons were also started with Mrs Fletcher on Thursday with me taking out two football teams. The children learnt the Christian story of Jesus being tempted followed by discussion on how this is translated into our lives. Also in PSHE the children discussed 'Peer Pressure' and what that means to them.
Finally, we had a fantastic trip to the Cinema on Friday watching 'Pete's Dragon'. There was a real buzz coming from the pupils afterwards and lots of lovely comments about their opinions on the film.
That's it for this week!
Mr Garnett