Team 3 wc 10.1.22
Date: 16th Jan 2022 @ 10:20am
Well what a start to the week we had! On Monday afternoon, we created a toilet roll timeline to see just how long the Old Stone Age was in comparison to other periods in history. We couldn't believe how far back in time it went! Did you know that just one sheet represents the last 5000 years back to the end of the New Stone Age? The rest of the roll is all Stone Age! We looked at an artist impression of a paleolithic woman and wrote some brilliant questions for her. We hope to travel back in time in a couple of weeks to ask her them.
In English, we started our new unit on Winter's Child by Angela McAllister. We have been learning how to apply our skills from before Christmas in extended pieces of writing and learning how to use exclamation sentences. This unit will focus on these as well as using a wider range of conjunctions and using tools to make our writing more cohesive.
In maths we have finished our work on addition and subtraction of 3 digit numbers using formal written methods- take a look at the link to our calculation policy below if you'd like to see how we have learned these. Next week, we will begin our multiplication and division unit.
In Science, we have begun our unit on rocks with some brilliant experiments and in music we had lots of fun with the drums, using call and response rythmns. We also learned the term pitch and joined in with a Congolese song that uses lots of different notes called 'Si, Si, Si'.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney