Team 3 WC 19th April 2022
Date: 22nd Apr 2022 @ 5:11pm
We hope that you had a wonderful Easter break and spent some quality family time together. The children have been enthusiastically telling us about the things they got up to over Easter (much of it was chocolate based!).
The class have settled in quickly and have thrown themselves into their learning. This week they have made a tuna salad in food technology and we hope you enjoyed their cullinary delights. We have some Gordon Ramseys and Nigella Lawsons in the making. In Maths we have begun to learn about fractions and will continue to do so over the next few weeks. In English we continue to read 'Stone Age Boy' and are basing our writing around this. We have been developing our skills to write and punctuate speech to make our writing more interesting. In science we have started a new topic on plants. We are conducting an investigation to see which conditions are needed to grow beans. We have made our own predictions and now must wait and see what happens.
Please continue to read with your children and encourage them to use TT Rocks Stars at home.
The Year 3 team.