Team 3 wc 20/03/17
Date: 24th Mar 2017 @ 3:26pm
This week in Team 3...
In our English learning we have started a new genre of writing. The focus of writing for this topic is newspaper reports and for our cold task the children were set the challenge of writing a report on the discovery of old human bones found on the grounds of the school. After this we have been discovering the various writing features of a newspaper report by immersing ourselves in lots of tabloid papers and identifying the various features. We have also been immitating our class newspaper report based on a mission to the moon. The children are fully engaged in this writing style and we look forward to writing our own reports again.
In Maths we have continued are learning on fractions. Discovering how to find fractions of shapes as well as learning how to count in tenths. The children have enjoyed completing their star challenges and now realise that fractions 'actually aren't that scary'.
In our afternoon learning we have been learning about animals (including humans) in our science lessons. We are learning about the importance of a balanced diet and how diet and nutrition varies depending on the animal. We have also become personal trainers and have been given the challenge of helping 'a client' become healthier and stay fit. We linked this with some maths learning by analysing our clients weekly in take of sugar and have then represented this data in the form of a bar chart.
In addition to Science, our charity work in our PSHE lessons is well underway, We decided we wanted to create posters and hand out bags to all the classes and ask that they fill the bags with any spare clothes from home. Our charity is the Hospice of the Good Shepherd, who will be coming back into school to collect all the children's donations. What a great, worthy cause that the children are really enthused to help.
Finally, all the children have had a wonderful day as part of Red Nose Day on Friday and it was really nice to see all the children coming in their own clothes and raising money from cake sales and donations. Next week we really look forward to auditioning for 'Horn's Mill Got Talent'.
That's all for this week...
Mr Garnett