Team 3 wc 20.6.22
Date: 27th Jun 2022 @ 6:55pm
This week we have really enjoyed starting our new book in English- Journey by Aaron Becker. The one thing that's different about this book? It's wordless! We are enjoying the freedom to let our imaginations run wild writing and exploring the words that could have been used. We have been recapping lots of Team 3 skills from this year as well as learning how to form the present perfect tense ( I have seen, I have travelled, she has eaten).
In maths and reading lessons this week, we have been working hard to show off our skills in our end of year assessments to give us time to polish up any Team 3 skills that we can before the end of the year.
We had so much fun with Team 4 on Tuesday when we got to try New Age Kurling! It's similar to kurling but indoors and the stone have wheels on them to help them slide. We showed great sportsmanship and it was great to have a try at a new sport. We also had a brilliant time making torches this week in DT with Mrs Caroe. It was so interesting learning how to make a circuit to switch the light on in our torch.
Can't wait for next week!
Miss Delaney