Team 3 wc 23/01/17
Date: 27th Jan 2017 @ 3:24pm
This week in Team 3...
Another busy week in Team 3 comes to an end after lots of exciting learning.
In English we have been fully immersing ourselves in our class text by talking about our class Traction Man story in detail. Unpicking the parts of the story that interest us and asking further questions to help us understand the characters personalities and behaviour. Also we have been learning about the use of adverbs in our writing to help explain how a character does an action.
In Maths we have been learning about units of length and how we use them to measure. We have been measuring objects around the classroom then comparing them to other objects. Following this, we have been completing our star challenges for fluency and reasoning to improve our understanding.
Our afternoon learning has been lots of fun as we continue to discover the wonders of Ancient Egypt. This week we have learnt about the importance of the River Nile and what it meant to Egyptian culture. We have been using the ipads to create an Information Text about the River Nile to showcase all of our understanding.
This it for this week. Have a lovely weekend.
Mr Garnett