Team 3 wb 24.1.22
Date: 27th Jan 2022 @ 12:03pm
We had a very unusual visitor in Team 3 this week- a prehistoric woman called Ug! On Monday afternoon, we visited her camp in our woodlands and we were lucky enough to try some of her food that she had collected. She couldn't talk like us but she showed us the plants in the woodlands where she collected the food earlier in the year, showed us how to cook and dry things out over the fire, how she made her clothes and how she used embers and charcoal from her fire to draw. We loved our Stone Age experience! On Wednesday we then tried out some of her drawing techniques with twigs from her fire and pieces of charcoal after looking at drawings from the Lascaux caves and drawings of prehistoric beasts that were alive when she was.
In English, we have been focusing this week on using a wide range of conjunctions to join our ideas such as if, when, although, until, because and while. We have really been enjoying our book Winter's Child and we have begun to read a retelling of The Snow Queen in our daily class read.
In Maths, we have started to learn about division this week. We have learned how a division calculation like 8 divided by 2 can mean sharing 8 into 2 equal groups or putting 8 into groups of 2 depending on the problem that we need to solve. We have continued to focus on the 2s, 5s and 10s this week while we consolidate our understanding.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney & Mrs Hulse