Team 3 wc 30/01/17
Date: 3rd Feb 2017 @ 4:55pm
This week in Team 3...
On Monday the class took part in the whole school Chinese New Year dance workshop. The children used traditional Chinese parasols and learnt a dance which they performed at the end of the day for parents and other classes. We were also lucky enough to watch all the other classes routines as well. A very cultural and enjoyable day!
In English we have been 'Boxing Up' our writing at the innovation stage of the Primary Writing Project. The children have discussed and thought through how they want to innovate the class story of 'Traction Man,' developing their ideas for a new setting, characters and problem, whilst keeping the underlying pattern of a quest story in a familiar setting. Next week the children look forward to writing their own stories based on the text.
In Maths, we have continued our learning about measures. The children have been discovering how to measure the perimeter of 2D shapes and linking our knowledge to our topic work on Ancient Egypt where we have been measuring the perimeter of the base of pyramids then creating 3D models.
Our afternoon learning has included science, PSHE and topic work. In science, the children have been learning about forces and magnets. We discovered that magnetic force is a non-contact force along with gravity. We then went on to investigate which materials are magnetic and which are non-magnetic. The biggest discovery for the children during this investigation was that not all metals are magnetic, after testing zinc, copper and aluminium. We also completed our information texts on the River Nile on the Ipads on Wednesday and printed them off ready for display. The children were really proud of these as they looked great! On Friday we also did some Forest School activities based on our PSHE topic of 'Friendship' and also prepared our Team 3 plant bed ready to plant some vegetables next week.
That's all for this week. Have a great weekend!
Mr Garnett