Team 3 wc 3/10/16
Date: 8th Oct 2016 @ 10:52am
This week in Team 3...
In our English lessons this week we have been planning our Stone Age Story based on a class book we have been reading called 'Stone Age Boy' by Satoshi Kitamura. We have been using influences from our guided reading books, class story book and afternoon topic work to create our own exciting story. On Thursday and Friday we have started to write the opening to the story using a success criteria we developed together from the learning in our SPAG lessons. As a class, we can't wait to finish our stories next week and share/read them to others.
In Maths we have been focusing on our adding and subtracting mentally using strategies we know developing our fluency, reasoning and problem solving skills. We use different Maths equipment to help our visual understanding and the use of number lines support our learning as well.
In our afternoon learning we have continued our work on the Stone Age. We studied examples of Stone Age early Cave Paintings and even had a go at creating our own. We learnt that the Cave paintings usually featured animals that the hunter/gatherers hunted and killed for food and clothing. Team 3 have also researched the tools and weapons used by hunter/gatherers and discovered that flint was main material used.
We also continue to enjoy learning to play the Ukulele and have even started to learn how to play various chords. We love our Ukulele lessons! Our swimming lessons also continue at the EPSV.
That's it for this week
See you all on Monday for another fun filled learning week in Team 3
Mr Garnett