Team 3 wc 9.5.22
Date: 13th May 2022 @ 6:28pm
We are really enjoying our new book in English about blue whales- we have learned some amazing facts! Did you know a blue whale can grow to over 30 metres long? We have focussed on fronted adverbials this week and ensuring that we use a comma after them before continuing the rest of our sentence. We wrote wonderful information texts about how blue whales gulp vast amounts of krill and sea water before sieving it out through their baleen plates.
We have continued our work on fractions this week, looking at equivalent fractions using both concrete and pictorial resources to support our understanding.
Thank you so much for sending in all your pictures after our Islam day last week. It has been such a pleasure to see so many good deeds done for your familiy and friends at home and brilliant to see so many children sharing their acts of kindness with the class. Fantastic work Team 3!
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss Delaney