Team 3:13.3.20
Date: 13th Mar 2020 @ 2:46pm
This week Team 3 have begun a new topic, all about what we can discover under the ocean as we dive into two different stories about whales- Big Blue Whale and This Morning I Met a Whale. We have learned lots of new vocabulary that we will come across in our stories and been learning how to include adverbs in our writing. We have also written letters to the Blue Planet Aquarium to hopefully find more information about whales.
In maths we have begun our measuring topic. We have learned how to measure in cm and mm as well as converting between cm and mm as well as cm and m.
We have also enjoyed another great rugby session with Widnes Vikings and did our best to get a low score on the SkyTry Challenge and started a weaving project in art linked to our learning about the sea. On Monday we continued our work on playing to a rhythm, creating our own ryhtmns and playing clear notes on the glockenspiels.
Have great weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney