Team 3:15.3.19
Date: 17th Mar 2019 @ 4:27pm
WOW! What a week! We have been really excited this week as it was Science week! On Monday, we took part in a Mad Science assembly which talked about the science behind all the skills needed to be a great athlete in the Olympics. In the afternoon, we carried out an experiment to test the reflectiveness of different materials and we also researched Isaac Newton and found out all about his inventions and discoveries. Wednesday saw us take part in a whoel day of Science! We designed rockets, made lava lamps, look at the different colours in a beam of light and the effects of salt. On Friday, we went to Team 5 to listen about all their amazing science learning and share our own- it was very interesting!
In English, we have begun a new book called 'Escape from Pompeii' by Christina Balit. We have been embedding our Team 3 skills by writing descriptions that include prepositions, conjunctiond and adverbs as well as editing our own spelling and trying to improve our own and others' work.
In Maths, we have completed the written method of division so that we can now divide a twoi digit number by a 1 digit number with no remainder. Next week, we will be begin to apply our skills with the four operations to working with money.
In R.E with Mr Lawrie we have begun to look at Islam and the importance of Allah to Muslims. We have also been continuing our work on programming and begun some dance lessons.
Hope you're all having a lovely weekend. Please don't forget to hand in letters next week for our trip to the Science and Industry Museum on Tuesday 26th March.
Many thanks,
Miss Delaney