Team 3:24.1.20
Date: 26th Jan 2020 @ 10:28am
We have begun our new book this week which everyone is finding fascinating- Stone Age Boy by Satoshi Kitamura. We have only just begun so we have been making predictions about the story and using the first meeting of the characters to practise our use of inverted commas for speech. Some of us also moved on to creating speech sandwiches where we write what a character says, followed by what the characters are doing, then what the other character says. In spelling, we have been practising editign our work for known speelings and grapheme choices as well as hwo to turn adjectives into adverbs and the spelling rules for adding -ly.
In maths we have begun to look at written methods for multiplying 2 digit numbers by 1 digit and have started to look at the grid method. Next week, we will move on to look at the compact column method. Please make sure we are still doing lots of times tables practise at home.
In PE we have started to look at teamwork and have been completing lots of challenges to look at how we can improve and build teamwork skills. We will be working on these until half term with orienteering, creating maps and lots of other team games.
Why not ask your child about Skara Brae near Orkney in Scotland? I'm sure they will have lots to tell you!
Have a good weekend,
Miss Delaney