Team 3:28.2.20
Date: 28th Feb 2020 @ 2:09pm
In maths this week we hav been learning all about subtracting and adding money. We have been counting different amounts and changing amounts from pence to pounds.
We have been rewriting our story 'Stone Age Boy' by chooisng our own characters and adventures for our characters in the Stone Age. We have been trying to include paragraphs, a range of conjunctions and inverted commas for speech.
With Mrs Hughes, we learned about the story of Rama and Sita and the festival of diwali.
We had a great visit from Jay who plays plays for Widnes Vikings Rugby team. He taught us lots of team work skills which we will be putting into practise over the next four weeks in rugby sessions with him. It was so much fun!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Miss Delaney