Team 4 - W/b - 04.03.19
Date: 8th Mar 2019 @ 5:08pm
It has been another lovely week in Team 4.
We have been working so hard in our maths lessons. The children have been using written methods of multiplication including the grid method and the short method. As well as this, we have been learning about area. I'm sure it took me longer to make the worksheets than it did for the children to complete them in some cases! They absolutely loved this work and we had some very enjoyable sessions.
In English, the children have drafted and written up their kennings about Helsby. These will be put into the class display book that they have been creating with Mrs Caroe. The art session on Tuesday looked great fun. Children collaged different papers and painted over these for effect as a basis for the pages of the book. In addition, they continued to work on their very beautiful maps. Fabulous work.
In PE, we have started our net and wall activities and in science we looked at reversible changes.
Thursday was World Book Day and Team 4 made us very proud with their costumes. They all looked amazing. We spent the day doing lots of book related activities such as reading mystery books, creating book reviews and listening to lots of stories. Thank you for all your support with this.
We hope you have an amazing weekend and we shall see you next week for ‘Science Week!’
Mrs Hughes and Miss Foster