Team 4 - W/b - 05.06.17
Date: 9th Jun 2017 @ 4:09pm
This week, Team 4 have been busy learning about all things science.
We started the week with a visit from Chester Zoo, who talked to us about the lifecycles of different animals. We also had lots of fascinating visitors including, Scales and Tails who brought a Bearded Dragon and a Corn Snake and Helsby Vets who talked to us about pet care and explained the role of a vet.
On Tuesday, we practised our throwing skills and learnt lots of things about the different muscles that we use for different types of throws.
To conclude our week, we had our flying competition and the children produced some beautiful works of ‘vegetable art’ as part of their home learning.
Have a fantastic weekend and I shall see you next week.
Miss Foster.