Team 4 - W/b - 11.3.19
Date: 15th Mar 2019 @ 2:44pm
Science week has been a big hit in Team 4!
On Monday, we came to school dressed as scientists and we were enthused by a fantastic assembly led by Mad Science who wowed us with demonstrations of fire, explosions and experiments! On Wednesday, Team 4 went on a journey around Key Stage 2 with a different science themed activity in each classroom (lava lamps, balloon rockets, salt art and making rainbows). The children really embraced this learning opportunity and seemed to thoroughly enjoy the whole experience. It was wonderful to share stories and learning at the end of the day.
Each class has also been investigating a famous scientist this week. Team 4 were investigating Mary Anning. They completed research using the iPads, recorded facts and made some beautiful posters / booklets to show their findings. We then had the opportunity to share our learning with Team 6 who also taught us lots about the work of Charles Darwin.
On Thursday, we had a visit from our local STEM ambassador who came in to talk to us about ‘States of Matter’. We learnt lots about lava!
It has been an amazing week and the children have made us very proud with their enthusiasm, questioning and quality of work produced.
Have a lovely week and we shall see you next week.
Mrs Hughes, Miss Foster and Team 4