Team 4 - W/b - 14.1.19
Date: 18th Jan 2019 @ 5:57pm
We have enjoyed yet another busy week in Team 4.
On Wednesday, Team 4 had a special art day lead by Mrs Anderson. The children got hands on to create a fabric representation of water to complement our learning about the water cycle. The classroom was a hive of activity - tie dye, sewing, marbling and more. The finished pieces look beautiful and we can't wait to display them.
In maths, we have been practising multplying by 100 with practical equipment at first and then without. In English, we used some drama techniques to help us to understand the charcters in our class text. We then recapped the rules of speech punctuation and had a go at applying these.
Alongside all of this we have enjoyed a special Mad Science assembly, a visit from the library bus and preparing some raps and poems about Christianity for a competition. Phew! What a busy week.
Enjoy a restful weekend everybody. From Mrs Hughes, Miss Foster and Team 4.