Team 4 - W/b - 18.3.19
Date: 25th Mar 2019 @ 7:52am
Another positive, successful and busy week in Team 4. Although the end of term is now in sight, there has been no slowing down with our work this week!
In English, we completed the reading of the class text, Zeraffa Giraffa. We retold stages of the story and developed our understanding of sentence types by using coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. We wrote a diary entry from the point of view of Atir, who looked after the giraffe throughout the journey. We have also had some fun developing our knowledge of giraffes with a true/false game and learned some technical vocabulary such as ossicones!
In maths, we have consolidated our understanding of division and used the RUCSAC strategy to tackle division word problems. As multiplication and division is such a key area of understanding I am very pleased to see how well the children are doing with this. It is also excellent to hear how many people are still using Times Tables Rockstars to help them with rapid recall of key facts.
In PE we have been continuing to develop our tennis skills and we have been looking at Roman numerals in topic.
On Friday, some of our children took part in the cross country at Delamere where great support was shown to all competitors. We even had a winner from Team 4!
Have a lovely week,
Mrs Hughes and Miss Foster