Team 4 - W/b - 22.10.18
Date: 4th Nov 2018 @ 8:59am
This week brings us to the close of our first half term in Team 4! It has been an absolute pleasure teaching the children and getting to know them all. It was also wonderful to meet so many of the families at our parents evening meetings. For those parents who were unable to attend, we would like to find a suitable time to meet with you as we are very keen to communicate with everybody and share some of the successes so far.
In class, the children completed some excellent descriptive writing about Zeus. The focus has really been on punctuation and it has been really valuable spending this time on establishing our non-negotiable expectations in Team 4. We also had a wonderful afternoon making coil clay pots on Wednesday. Many of us really enjoyed getting our hands dirty with this challenge!
Enjoy your half term break everybody and stay safe. We look forward to seeing everybody again on Tuesday 6th November.