Team 4 - Wb - 25.11.19
Date: 6th Dec 2019 @ 2:37pm
Team 4 were absolute superstars this week.
The children have worked hard in English and have been able to use conjunctions to extend sentences. We have enjoyed exploring the Leon and The Place Between text about a boy who gets involved with magic at the circus. The children came up with some excellent vocabulary to describe the magician and they then applied this in their writing.
In maths, the children have continued to develop their confidence with column addition and subtraction. We finished the week by solving some word problems and applying RUCSAC (read, underline, calculate, solve, answer, check). Alongside this learning, the children were inspired by the Times Tables Rock stars assembly. It was a lot of fun and Team 4 were very proud of their classmates who battled in front of an audience. A reminder of each child's login details has gone home again, please look out for it.
Well done for your hard work Team 4.