Team 4 - W/b - 4.2.19
Date: 8th Feb 2019 @ 4:13pm
This has been a rather special week in Team 4 as we have had a visit from Ofsted. On Tuesday, Mrs Stringer visited the school. She popped into Team 4 during our maths lesson and she also had the opportunity to chat with some children to find out their thoughts about the school. We felt like it was a really positive experience and enjoyed playing our part in showing off our school 😊
In other news, the children are continuing to zoom through every maths task they are set. We have been busy practising our times tables and there has been lots of noisy chanting and fun to help us to practise these. We'd like the children to spend time on Times Tables Rockstars at home, so that they can continue to develop the rapid recall skills.
During guided reading, we practised performance poetry and we were very pleased with the children’s confidence as they not only demonstrated great intonation but also created some actions to engage their audience.
During our topic work, we researched a European city of our choice and made comparisons with the place that we live. We created lovely posters to show our findings. Finally, to finish the week we had our DT cooking lesson where we baked German ‘Empire Biscuits’. Apparently, they were delicious!!!
Have a lovely week,
Mrs Hughes, Miss Foster and Team 4