Team 4 - W/b - 6.5.19
Date: 11th May 2019 @ 10:20pm
This week Team 4 have learned about how Christians demonstrate their faith in God. We have shared the Noah’s Ark story, thinking about how Noah must have felt when he was told to build the boat. We also explored the meaning of some of the symbols, including the rainbow. Children completed a lovely activity where they made a rainbow to show future hopes for themselves and those around them.
In English, we have been applying the skills of speech punctuation in our writing. We also discussed the vocabulary we could use to describe a picture in our class book and thought about which word choices would be most effective. It was particularly impressive to see EW include the word cacophony in her writing!
In maths, the children have started to learn how to represent tenths as fractions and as decimals. They particularly enjoyed playing games of snap and pairs to consolidate their knowledge. We will be taking this further next week when we think about hundredths too.
In guided reading this week, we have been looking at themes and conventions of various books and in science, we have been learning about our teeth and how they differ from other animals. For our topic work, we explored life in Ancient Rome from different viewpoints of the inhabitants at the time.
Have a lovely weekend,
Mrs Hughes and Miss Foster