Team 4 - Week 2 13.09.19
Date: 13th Sep 2019 @ 4:49pm
After our first full week back at school, I can safely say the children deserve a bit of a rest. This week we have worked super hard especially in English. We have experimented with expanding noun phrases, wrote an informative narrative about Aristotle, arguably one of the world’s greatest philosophers, and consolidated our knowledge and understanding in relation to sentence features. Ask your child if they can tell you how to expand a noun phrase. Furthermore, ask them to tell you all about Aristotle.
In maths, we have been working on our time unit. The children are doing a fantastic job at learning the different vocabulary related to telling the time. E.g. quarter past, quarter too, half past and so on. We finished the week by converting time from the analogue clock to digital. Please encourage your child to tell the time as much as possible over the next couple of weeks until this knowledge is securely embedded.
Our first swimming lesson was brilliant and all the children thoroughly enjoyed themselves. I would also like to say thank you for helping me sort all the consent forms and payment arrangements out so quickly, it really did make things very easy.
This week’s special mentions are to:
- RC for excellent times table knowledge and commitment to his learning.
- GD for outstanding attitude to school life.
- BP for fostering a great attitude towards his work and setting high expectations for himself.
Our Big cheese of the week this week is: LE who has come into school over the last 8 days and shone greatly. He has a great buzz about him and he has carried this into his work too. He has a real passion to succeed and present his work to the best of his ability. It has been a pleasure to see. I know he will keep this up too.
All the children have had a fantastic week. We haven’t had a light/dark blue all week and have had lots of laughter and hard work instead. Keep this up T4!
All reading records have now gone home ready for all their fabulous reading to be recorded in. Times Table Rock Stars passwords will be sent this evening via text message.
Have an awesome weekend Team 4!
Many Thanks
Mr Oldfield.