Team 4 - Week 3 20.09.19
Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 3:43pm
Week 3 – 20.09.19
Wow! What a week! The children have worked their socks off and showed just how amazing they are. This week in maths we finished our time unit. However, we will be revisiting this at several points throughout the year to ensure it is embedded with all children. In SPaG we have been learning how and when to use prepositions and applying them to our writing. In English, we have started our first unit of work. We are unpicking the book written by Anthony Browne called Gorilla. If you have this book at home, please hide it until we have finished the unit. Team 4 spent the first few days of the week planning and writing a thrilling fantasy story involving one of the main characters from the book. This was a great opportunity for the children to apply all their already taught writing features and give us our next steps of learning.
We had a fantastic time at the library which helped enhance our understanding of Greek gods and goddesses. The children thoroughly enjoyed their research and made full use of the resources available.
Our big cheese of the week this week is GD who has had a fantastic start to Team 4. She always goes above and beyond and has an amazingly positive attitude at all times.
Have a great weekend Team 4!