Team 4 - Week 4 27.09.19
Date: 30th Sep 2019 @ 4:48pm
Week 4 – 27.09.19
What another great week for Team 4! We have written some fantastic poems about gorillas this week in English. In SPaG we have enjoyed lots of different spelling games as we start to learn all of our common exception words. A copy of these can be found on our class page should you wish to start practising them with your child. Please do this through active learning; games, put it in a sentence, re-order it, what does the word mean? Etc.
In maths, we have started our place value unit and a lot of the children are showing a great understanding. They can confidently use place value charts and counters and order up to four-digit numbers based on their value. This is something we are going to be working on for the next few weeks to ensure the children have a thorough understanding.
Our Big Cheese this week is AH who has been a mathematician ninja this week and has taken a real enjoyment from achieving greatness in our new maths unit. Well done keep it up!
Lastly, thank you to the parents who were able to attend our parent workshops this week and if you weren't able to attend and would like some extra information about our learning in Team 4 this year, please pop in any time for a chat.
Have a superb weekend!
Mr Oldfield