Team 4 - Week 5 04.10.19
Date: 4th Oct 2019 @ 2:49pm
Week 5 – 04.10.19
A great week for Team 4! In English, we have continued to work on our unit of Gorilla and the children have made some beautiful and colourful fact files about gorillas. We have been playing lots of great spelling games in our morning learning and our SPaG sessions. We have also been learning about adverbials in SPaG and how they can be moved from the middle or the end of a sentence to the front to make fronted adverbials.
In maths, we have been reasoning and problem-solving within place value and the children are progressing nicely through the unit. A key focus remains to be our times tables and we are continuing to practice them daily. Please also do this at home.
Our Big Cheese this week is OE for outstanding commitment to his maths work he has shown just what a wizard he is. Well done OE!
Have a fabulous weekend Team 4!
Mr Oldfield